NEW at City Mom Collective’s Sister Site Conference 2022 is the opportunity for attendees to bring and trade pins.  Think of it a bit like CMC’s version of Disney’s Pin Trading.

Here’s how it will work.

CMC will have a number of pins available for attendees to grab at registration and add as flair to their event lanyards.  In addition to these national pins, we’re encouraging attendees to bring their own pins to wear and/or trade with other attendees.

Want to design and print buttons to bring with you to the conference?  CMC will be ordering 1.25″ round buttons through StickerMule.  Attendees are welcome to use StickerMule as well or other printers for buttons if they so choose.

Pin ideas include Local/City Love, Team Buttons, State Pride, etc.
# of Attendees expected at 2022 Event: 125

This is going to be fun!